moyen le plus simple de préparer Appétissant Gâteau breton

Gâteau breton. In a food processor, pulse to combine flour, sugar and salt. Add butter and pulse until mixture resembles bread crumbs. Divide in half, form into disks, and wrap in plastic wrap.

Gâteau breton Mix with an electric mixer until dough is stiff and sticky, similar to cookie dough. Knead dough a little bit to bring it together. Sift flour, cornstarch, baking powder, cinnamon and salt into medium. "Gateau Breton is a classic French butter cake. Vous pouvez cuisiner Gâteau breton utilisant 6 Ingrédients et 6 instructions. Voici comment vous réalisez ça.

ingrédients de la recette Gâteau breton

  1. Préparer 6 of jaunes d’œufs.
  2. Vous avez besoin 250 gr of sucre.
  3. Préparer 360 gr of farine.
  4. C'est 250 gr of beurre demi-sel.
  5. Vous avez besoin 1 of petite cuillère à café de levure chimique.
  6. C'est 1 of jaune d’œuf pour la dorure.

It's a simple yet pretty cake, rich in butter, with a dense, tender crumb. I have to be honest, I was very intimidated by this recipe. I'm not a pastry chef so it always takes some Jedi mind tricks to get me feeling bold enough to tackle anything that must be baked but after the first time I. This butter cake from Brittany is easy to make with a food processor, an electric mixer, or completely by hand.

Gâteau breton petit à petit de recette

  1. Préchauffer le four thermostat 5/6, 180°C..
  2. Dans un saladier mettre les 6 jaunes d’œufs. Ajouter le sucre. Faire blanchir le sucre et les œufs..
  3. Ajouter la farine et la levure, ainsi que le beurre ramolli mais pas fondu. Mélanger le tout..
  4. Mettre la pâte obtenue dans un moule beurré. Bien lisser le dessus avec une cuillère..
  5. Etaler un jaune d’œuf sur le gâteau avec un pinceau et faire des traits avec un fourchette..
  6. Cuire 40minutes..

I've written complete directions for all three methods. Making a traditional gâteau Breton with a dense yet tender crumb calls for mixing a thick batter made primarily of butter, sugar, egg yolks, and flour, which is baked with a thin layer of jam running through its center. Gâteau Breton ~ Brittany Butter Cake Brittany is located on the northwest coast of France and has been somewhat culturally and geographically distinct from the rest of the country. Well known for its lace, seaside resorts, crêpes and cider, Brittany is also the home of Merlin, the magician of Arthurian legend. Smooth down the top then brush over glaze.


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